Sweet Sunday Morning and a meltdown!

My Sunday morning started out with high hopes of feeling well enough to go outside, in hopes of  enjoying our backyard garden for just a few hours. Instead, yet again this morning, I woke up  way too early to go outside. And since I am still fatigued from another hellish work week, compounded with head congestion from my ‘Frozen Friday’ morning work duties, I decided to pour myself a cup of coffee and play catch-up with some of my favorite ‘make me feel better’ blogs.

As I caught up on my favorite blogs I started feeling, once again, inspired to keep on keeping on with my hopes, dreams, and my plans for this year.  As always, I quickly jotted things down in my notebook in hopes it will help keep me focused and accountable for when the ‘work week weeds’ begin to take over my life and my mind…..  Then the meltdown!!!  Am I kidding myself?  Will all the things in my life ever be manageable again?

My sweet hubby and I were signed up/signed up to do even more WORK projects, leaving us with very little extra time to do just the basics, like cooking, cleaning and grocery shopping.

Deep breath Dana….YOU can do this!!  THIS TOO SHALL PASS!

With every NEW beginning of a ‘season’ there will be an end.  Whoop Whoop!!  Growth (personal AND/or career) isn’t always easy but most of the time it is very beneficial…..that is, if you can make it through the process.

<insert here>  the little engine that could…I think I can…I think I can…

So here is a small part of my plan:

Back on track with menu planning.

Monday: chicken pot pie (i will chop and cook today and make an extra one to freeze)

Tuesday: Red beans, rice and corn bread muffins (red beans from our freezer)

Wednesday: turkey lasagna (cook extra to freeze)

Thursday: Chicken jambalaya

Friday, Saturday and Sunday I do not have figured out just yet, but I will keep us posted.  **I want to use my blog posts as my ‘growth’ reports

Best Wishes for a wonderful Sunday,


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  1. I know that having a menu set for the week ahead definitely helps to keep my stress level down. Some months I actually sit down and write one out for the entire month, but finding the time to do this is stressful also.

    Keep plugging away. As you said, this too shall pass. Keep the faith and hold tight to those closest to you, it truly helps.


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