Sunflower Seed Update

Good Morning 🙂

It is so exciting to have a four day weekend and I have enjoyed it so much thus far!!

Right now I am waiting for the sun to rise, so I can finish up weeding a flowerbed or two before the rain hits us for the next two days. Then a freezing cold front will hang around for the rest of the week…boooo!!

I’m taking a quick minute to give you an update on the sunflower seeds that I planted on Sunday February 1, 2015.  No sunflowers…..yet! 🙂  I uncovered a few seeds to check to make sure they had not rotted like the ones I planted last year (because of all of the rain they rotted) all good so far for this year’s seeds.  The seeds are pretty old so I will continue to wait another week or two.  Temperatures have not been consistently warm enough for the last two weeks and with another cold front coming through our area I decided to cover the seed trays with plastic in hopes to raise the temperature enough for the seeds to germinate….if they are going to germinate.  LOL

Sunflower seeds Feb 2015

Arugula seedlings popped up first!!  whoop whoop 🙂  This will most likely be our last crop of the spring season.

arugula seedlings Feb 2015

After a long day at work I was delighted to see the arugula seedlings on Monday February 9th 2015.  Just like that…. they popped up!!  Nothing for one solid week but when I checked late Monday there they were with their little facing smiling up at me!!!

Then a few days later cruly kale!!  🙂

curly Kale seedlings Feb 2015   Then spinach

spinach seedlings Feb 2015

The Sun is up now so I better head outside to finish up a flowerbed or two before it starts raining.

Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you again real soon.

Best Wishes for a wonderful week


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  1. Looks like you’re well on your way! I need to get some of my sunflower seeds planted but must pick up some potting soil first! Hope to do that this week and try to get a few up and growing before I plant the remainder of the seeds outdoors. Have a happy remainder of the weekend and keep warm when the weather comes through!

    1. Thank you so much thetransmutationalgardener. Trying to accomplish a couple of my goals for this New Year. Goal #1. – to use up all of my seeds. I just completed a seed sort and I have seeds from 2000!! lol we shall see if they will grow 🙂 One of my two college kid’s favorite is sunflowers. We always planted them when she was a little girl but the last couple of years I have let time slip away and I missed out on planting them. So goal #2- This year I am determined to produce the best sunflower season ever!!! I too had to pick up some potting soil to plant our seeds. Thank you for stopping by and supplying me with support and encouragement. Please keep me posted on your sunflowers 🙂 Best Wishes for 2015

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